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Reality TV has already established itself as one of the most effective media formats today, and for this reason that the news was actually a large part of online media over the Internet domain. With the help of Internet technology, it is fairly easy, as the news on-line grows very quickly and given to a large number of consumers.
Yes, the Internet is a powerful tool to influence its readers online, and to evoke both positive andand negative comments from all newsreader reality. The right to freedom of expression could already be reached with respect to cyberspace. Alternatively, the cyber-world, it just makes it too easy for one to express or to write content that is harmful or that could lead to unnecessary litigation? While there are many ways to this battle, yet many had already done serious damage dramatically. Furthermore, the fact a lot of messages can cause damage if done to all the irresponsibleas evidenced by the reality to psychological damage in their candidates.
But the harder reality online TV news that you can read the irony, perhaps, the reality in a online survey of over 5000 people voted as the worst since 1928, the foundation in reality, this is worthy of note is that, perhaps led by some important events that have happened, it is unlikely due to the invention of reality TV. For example, there was a girl who is accused is still paralyzed, so thatevil in a few reality shows popular. In this context, the behavior and attitude of the judge set a bad reality show in the survey were to be taken a closer look. Furthermore, it is surprising that the reality on the survey ranking, according to TV commercials crowned annoying pop-ups, computers and annoying e-mail spamming.
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